Department of Health, Safety and Environmental Education, Faculty of Education,
University of Benin, Benin City.
Open defecation has obvious negative consequences for public health and the
environment, as faecal contamination of the environment and poor general hygiene
practices are unquestionably a leading contributor to child morbidity, mortality,
undernutrition, and stunting, all of which can negatively impact cognitive development.
Sanitation issues are also a barrier to education and economic prospects, with women
and girls bearing the brunt of the repercussions. Nigeria is one of the countries in the
world with the biggest number of people who practice open defecation, which is believed
to be around 47 million people (24 percent). This has a detrimental influence on the
general population, particularly children, in terms of health and education, and has
undoubtedly contributed to Nigeria’s failure to reach the Millennium Development Goals.
The National Council on Water Resources was formed as a result of this. To enhance
environmental sanitation and put a stop to open defecation, the “Clean Nigeria-Use the
Toilet” campaign was launched by the National Council on Water Resources
Keywords: Open Defecation, Open Defecation Free, Sanitation, Hygiene.
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