This paper examined the concepts of brain drain and its implications for quality control in higher education. The purpose of this paper was to ascertain the implications of brain drain as well as emphasize the need for human capital development which is necessary for economic growth and development. The paper acknowledged that brain drain has its implications on the quality of education in tertiary institutions in Nigeria which include poor quality education, low quality
graduates, poor research development, poor programme development amongst others. These implications are the resultant effects of certain factors such as inadequate funding of the education sector, unconducive working environment, poor staff development, poor remuneration and inadequate infrastructural facilities. The paper therefore concluded that manpower in the right number and quality is crucial to a nation’s development and as such, in view of the implications
of brain drain, it is imperative for efforts to be geared towards curtailing it. Also, recommendations were proffered that strategies should be put in place for curbing this menace in tertiary institutions, such as adequate funding of tertiary education, motivation of staff of tertiary institutions, need for conducive learning environment and so on. It is hopeful that if these strategies are adopted and implemented by Government and institutions’ administrators, the menace will be reduced to the
barest minimum while the status quo of higher education will improve in Nigeria.

Keywords: Brain Drain, higher education, quality control

Publication Date:


Volume, Issue and Page Number:

Vol.5, Issue 1, Pg. 133 - 142


[Full Article]

Department of Educational Foundations, University of Benin




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