Author Guidelines

Researchers, scholars, teachers, administrators, specialists, and advanced graduate students are invited to submit manuscripts.

Check if you have followed the guidelines stated in the Requirements document. Submissions can be emailed to

Instructions for authors

  • Authors can submit their manuscripts through the Manuscript submission center or through the journal’s official email address
  • Papers must be submitted to JERCPT in MS-Word in Times New Roman 12-point format, with double line spacing, and the manuscript pages should not be more than 12–15 pages including references.
  • All papers submitted to the JERCPT must be original, presented in a clear and succinct style, and adhere to reporting requirements that are technically accurate.
  • A manuscript’s language quality and statistical reports must be of the highest caliber, and the author is responsible for meeting these requirements. The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to ask the author(s) for documentation that a statistician has read the article as well as a copy of the language editing report.
  • Authors who are non-native English speakers are urged to have their manuscript(s) thoroughly edited by reputable language editing/firms like Wordvice, Editage, and AJE before submission.
  • JERCPT only provides light copy-editing after the paper has been accepted for publication to make sure that manuscripts adhere to the journal’s style model.
  • A minimum of five alphabetically organized keywords should be included in the abstract of the article, which should be between 150 and 250 words long.
  • The author’s information page must also include the paper’s title, the author’s name (first name and last name), the corresponding author’s email address, and a contact number (optional). When submitting a manuscript to the journal, authors need sign up and give their ORCID number.
  • The following components must be present in the manuscript’s main body: an introduction, a statement of the problem, the purpose of the study, research questions and hypotheses, and methods and materials. Results and Discussion (must address study ramifications, constraints, and ideas for additional research), Conclusion (must contain suggestions), and References (must include DOI numbers where available and URL of web documents with access date).
  • To describe each author’s unique contribution to the research output, we encourage writers to use the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT). All authors mentioned in a paper for JERCPT must adhere to the standards for authorship as established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), which include:
  • significant contributions to the work’s conception or design, or the gathering, analyzing, or interpretation of data for the work;
  • writing the work or critically revising it for important intellectual content;
  • final approval of the version to be published;
  • agreement to be responsible for all aspects of the work, including ensuring that any concerns regarding the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are thoroughly investigated.

The four requirements for authorship should be met by everyone who is designated as an author.

  • The journal adheres strictly to the American Psychological Association’s Citation Style, therefore there are no ambiguities in its citing practices. For more information, it is advised that the author(s) refer to the most recent edition of the APA Referencing Style Manual. The authors can also review an example article from a recent journal issue.
  • When a paper is submitted to JERCPT, it must not have already been published in another journal or be under consideration for publication by another journal.
  • Any potential conflicts of interest that the authors may have with the paper must be properly disclosed at the time of submission.
  • Any potential conflicts of interest that the authors may have with the paper must be properly disclosed at the time of submission. Authors must complete and resubmit this Disclosure Form together with their manuscript submission since JERCPT abides by the guidelines set forth by IMJE regarding Disclosure of Financial and Non-Financial Relationships and Activities, and Conflicts of Interest.
  • A statement of compliance with pertinent ethical standards must be submitted in order to publish in this journal. The ethics statement part of the paper must make it apparent whether or not the study complied with ethical standards for research such as the WMA Declaration of Helsinki and the APA Ethical Principles on Research and Publication.
  • Only manuscripts with a similarity level of 20% or less will be externally examined for publication consideration. To verify the degree of resemblance between their article and existing sources, authors are encouraged to employ plagiarism detectors like TURNITIN.
  • The JERCPT Copyright Form must be completed and returned by the author(s) before their article may go into production after being accepted for publication in this journal.
  • The author’s information page must also include the paper’s title, the author’s name (first name and last name), the corresponding author’s email address, and a contact number (optional). When submitting a manuscript to the journal, authors need sign up and give their ORCID number.

English language (USA or UK English and not both in same manuscript).

  • A manuscript’s language quality and statistical reports must be of the highest caliber, and the author is responsible for meeting these requirements. The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to ask the author(s) for documentation that a statistician has read the article as well as a copy of the language editing report.
  • Authors who are non-native English speakers are urged to have their manuscript(s) thoroughly edited by reputable language editing/firms like Wordvice, Editage, and AJE before submission.
  • JERCPT only provides light copy-editing after the paper has been accepted for publication to make sure that manuscripts adhere to the journal’s style model.

Original articles, position or theoretical papers, book reviews.

  • All papers submitted to the JERCPT must be original, presented in a clear and succinct style, and adhere to reporting requirements that are technically accurate.
  • Papers must be submitted to JERCPT in MS-Word in Times New Roman 12-point format, with double line spacing, and the manuscript pages should not be more than 12–15 pages including references.
  • The following components must be present in the manuscript’s main body: an introduction, a statement of the problem, the purpose of the study, research questions and hypotheses, and methods and materials. Results and Discussion (must address study ramifications, constraints, and ideas for additional research), Conclusion (must contain suggestions), and References (must include DOI numbers where available and URL of web documents with access date).
  • A minimum of five alphabetically organized keywords should be included in the abstract of the article, which should be between 150 and 250 words long.
  • The author’s information page must also include the paper’s title, the author’s name (first name and last name), the corresponding author’s email address, and a contact number (optional). When submitting a manuscript to the journal, authors need sign up and give their ORCID number.
  • The journal adheres strictly to the American Psychological Association’s Citation Style, therefore there are no ambiguities in its citing practices. For more information, it is advised that the author(s) refer to the most recent edition of the APA Referencing Style Manual. The authors can also review an example article from a recent journal issue.


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